2014. február 3., hétfő

Life of a yoga teacher

I tell you one thing. Teaching yoga with full attention, eats up all your energy. It is simply impossible to teach 8 hours a day. It eats you up, because you are on the other side. You take responsibility for all the poses as they may cause injuries short or long term. You also pay full attention to students, the more they are the more parts you have to tear. If they are not the same type of people, it is even harder. I'm not complaining, just want you to understand: there is a massive work behind a nice, relaxing class. While you relax and travel in your inner world, someone makes sure you are safe, your belongings won't be stolen, your body is fully moved, your breath is optimal and your mind is in a well prepared travel, far enough from your worries.

Kellie's exam class. She is giving here a nice headmassage as a bonus in final relaxation
All you have to do is trust and follow.

Marta, the teacher makes sure we go into the pose properly.

Marta's exam teaching class. She is adjusting Trikonasana (Triangle pose).
When you do the pranayama (powerful and various breathing excercise - I bet there would be less crime if everyone did this regularly), the teacher doesn't do it with you, because she is counting for you, she designs that for you and watches if you do it properly. It's all about restless full scanning for 90 minutes.

Exam class - at the end of the training all of us prepares with a full 90 minutes yoga class. Scary :-)
All she got the knowledge from is a big big pile of informationl, lots of traveling, discussion with other yoga teachers, hard work to design it for your needs. What you pay when you go to a course is this effort. And not only the past, but also the development, cause at a certain point you may became bored. 

Teaching yoga needs lots of background knowledge. Neverending study.

Therefore teaching yoga can't be done as only a profession, it's a lifestyle which has to be led by love.

Mahi, the best teacher, who is really committed to yoga as a therapy. We are all thankful for him to share his knowledge with us.

2014. február 2., vasárnap

How not to pick up a girl on the beach

The main rules to not to pick up a girl on the beach:

Various short scenarios:

1.) On the beach, find the target, position your friends into the same direction, pretending that you are making pictures about them, but you actually focus on the girl.
2.) Say hello on the beach when she listens to music. Check if her earphones are in, and say it louder. And one more time, louder.
3.) Jump in front of her, and wawe. Now you have her attention.
4.) Ask her name, but do not look into her eyes. Rather browse your phone and type immediately on facebook, and connect. Secretly they want you too, so this is the best way to start.

Scenario 2.
Swim deep into the water, wait until she runs especially to you from the beach. She might can't see you, that's why she looks around and swim to a totally different direction. Nevermind, she is just stupid, but you forgive her, she is beautiful, and she wants you!
Swim to her, and say hello. She can't hear you. Shout: hello! go closer. Ask how she is. Swim closer, remove your snot from your face. That's better. When she looks at you if you were retarded, don't take it as an offense, she is just testing you, but she likes you and wants exactly the same like you do. You gave your heart already, what else could she wish for?

Scenario 3. This needs a bit of effort, though...
Make up a story. The idea behind is the main roule: all girls ride rich cock. Nothing else matters. Keep it in mind, this is very important. Don't even try to have an intellectual conversation with them, they don't need it. All they are interested is your money and power.

  • First of all meet her in a bar, and just say it's yours. This is how you get their attention. Then when you meet her by accident in a small town, bring the story forward. Let's say, this is just one of your bars, and you have a big project/office/anything in an other town. Offer your services, to let her owe you a favour. If she doesn't meet you for lunch, shame on her. In this case - rape her, she is worthless anyway.
  • But if she meets you for lunch, let it be in a different place, perhaps one of your other bars, to show how powerful you are. She will never find your trick out. As I said, she is stupid, and wants to believe that you are rich. The way you talk to her, the attention itself doesn't matter. She is retarded anyway. Just in case, whenever you get the chance, show pictures of properties (which you can download to your phone at any time), say they are all yours, part of your business project. She will wet herself, believe me.

Still no success? Then believe that a simple, nice, true conversation may work better. Maybe she would be really interested in your real personality. How does this sound? 

Alex, the bless

Alex is an Iyengar yoga teacher from Germany. His life is a big split: One leg is in Russia because of his wife, and the other leg is in India, in season. His life is about teaching yoga, and he is brilliant in that.
I met him in a birthday party, we had a nice chat, then I realized he is actually that Alex who I see the advertisement everywhere in Arambol. So I gave it a try. Kids, guys, ladies and gentleman. He is the best yoga teacher I ever met in my life (and of course Mahi..).
He passees his enthusiasm immediately to his students. I also became even more excited about yoga. He knows and enjoyes the poses so well that motivates you to go deeper into the pose. His confidence lets you trust him, and feel safe in each pose. He is into yoga 100%.
This man moved my body and made me swet in the same time better then anyone before. I felt so great, better then after an orgazm. After coming... out from the pose I actually realized my certain body parts what we worked on. Believe me, yoga can be not just good, but awesome if you meet the right teacher. 
I can't wait to go back to his class, shame I stay no more than a week. If I come back to Arambol, he would be among the main reasons.
Alex, you are a bless!

Here is a view from the top roof of his class.

2014. február 1., szombat

Post office experience

When I came to India, I had no expectations, but Rishikesh nourished me and I was surprised every day, how woderfully works out everything. The traffic, the yoga course, the restaurants, only live animals on the street. I was impressed. But Goa...

I had a package to post. Small, soft, no issues should have been with that. But there was... even more I could imagine in my nightmares.
First of all, did I mention already that Goa is greedy? All basic needs are charged for extra. If you ask why, they tell you: you are white, so you are rich. Let me tell you an example. One day I walked down from the beach and missed the path to the behind roads (there are path every 50 meters leading to the road paralell to the beach. It is easier and quicker walking on the beach, the only thing is that you can do it on foot only. If you need a car it drives you in a much longer way). Instead of turning back I continued my walk on the hidden roads. I asked some local guys where was my entrance, they showed me the longer way, which was on the road, and offered me their taxi services.  Bustards. An other white guy helped me showing the beach road, so I was back on the road in 5 minutes. Sorry indian guys, you really don't make it easier for me to like you in Goa....
So back to the package. 
There are many private post offices around Arambol, but charging multiple times the original official price for the same package. Why? Because they can do that. And you just don't know that tiny little information about the local office. 1 kg package postal cost is around 200 rupees from there, but the local ones charge you 1000. And the private ones charge you for the first kg, no matter if it is less weight. So why not taking the time, what I actually have, to walk to government owned post office and send the package from there..
The official, goverment owned post office is a bit far, 30 minutes walk from the centre, but I was committed.
I reached there and surprisingly they were open. So I just wanted to get rid of my package and go, but I had to provide copy of my passport (!) and also bring the package to a taylor (!!) to pack it for me (!!!) cause the post office doesn't deal with packaging (!!!!). And by the way if I want a tracking nr (so there is less risk to be stolen) it costs more. :-D  How funny is that! Of course there is no taylor in the neighbourhood, and they already told me to go back the next day, as it is a full day procedure to get everything done. Remember I just fucking wanted to send a fucking average package with 2 clothes in it.
So I went to a taylor and asked to wrap it for me (and this was my mistake to assume it is something special). Aaand the taylor didn't have a clue what I was talking about. Packaging to post an item? No idea, never heard about that. Fine. Lets move to the other one, maybe I was just unlucky. 
After the 3rd try, the 3rd time of explaining the situation and excusing myself I strated to realize why the close private post offices are so expensive. And also I was thinking to take their service. No stress, they do everything for you. I actually ended up at one of them, and asked only the packing, which I bargained of course.. They look at you and tell you a price! unbelievable! So finally I got it wrapped. Yessss, lucky mee!  Guess what. They took a big thread and needle, took a material and just sew around. That was it.  So during that I started to bargain for at least consider taking this item for the exact weight, no more. We had a deal. I paid just a little extra and didn't have the pain in the arse. 
So if anyone wanted a package from Goa, sorry, I would rather die...
So far here are some pictures about my walk to the post office :-)

This one is a huge tree, part of a street market where many vegetables and fruits are available. Beautiful view.

This is the school of Arambol. Kids are playing cricket here. You can see a schoolbus in the background. All the students wear uniforms. I feel like in an american movie from the 30's.

Spice market joke. Cash and carry curry. Why not Cashew and curry? :-)