The main rules to not to pick up a girl on the beach:
Various short scenarios:
1.) On the beach, find the target, position your friends into the same direction, pretending that you are making pictures about them, but you actually focus on the girl.

3.) Jump in front of her, and wawe. Now you have her attention.
4.) Ask her name, but do not look into her eyes. Rather browse your phone and type immediately on facebook, and connect. Secretly they want you too, so this is the best way to start.
Scenario 2.
Swim deep into the water, wait until she runs especially to you from the beach. She might can't see you, that's why she looks around and swim to a totally different direction. Nevermind, she is just stupid, but you forgive her, she is beautiful, and she wants you!
Swim to her, and say hello. She can't hear you. Shout: hello! go closer. Ask how she is. Swim closer, remove your snot from your face. That's better. When she looks at you if you were retarded, don't take it as an offense, she is just testing you, but she likes you and wants exactly the same like you do. You gave your heart already, what else could she wish for?
Scenario 3. This needs a bit of effort, though...
Make up a story. The idea behind is the main roule: all girls ride rich cock. Nothing else matters. Keep it in mind, this is very important. Don't even try to have an intellectual conversation with them, they don't need it. All they are interested is your money and power.
- First of all meet her in a bar, and just say it's yours. This is how you get their attention. Then when you meet her by accident in a small town, bring the story forward. Let's say, this is just one of your bars, and you have a big project/office/anything in an other town. Offer your services, to let her owe you a favour. If she doesn't meet you for lunch, shame on her. In this case - rape her, she is worthless anyway.
- But if she meets you for lunch, let it be in a different place, perhaps one of your other bars, to show how powerful you are. She will never find your trick out. As I said, she is stupid, and wants to believe that you are rich. The way you talk to her, the attention itself doesn't matter. She is retarded anyway. Just in case, whenever you get the chance, show pictures of properties (which you can download to your phone at any time), say they are all yours, part of your business project. She will wet herself, believe me.
Still no success? Then believe that a simple, nice, true conversation may work better. Maybe she would be really interested in your real personality. How does this sound?
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