Although the group was small, I was extremely lucky to stay on my own on the remaining 100 hours part of my course. All the rest of the people left when they completed their first step, the 200 hours training. There were some difficulties, like my accomodation - obviously it would have been easier for the organisers to handle 20 students, because the prices would drop in this case, but in my case - firstly I moved to a place near to my yoga therapist teacher's, Mahi's studio. The name of the place was "Peace Garden". This peace garden was not peace and not even a garden. It was the heart of the party, which means extremely loud music from 11pm until 4am. Every single day. Even when nobody was around, the owner (or who) was glad to act like a dj, standing at the pult, and just pushing the buttons, speakers on his head, ignoring that people wanted to sleep. So I had to go out and ask him to stop the music or make it a bit more silent. Every single day. I complained to my yoga course people to help me to move to an other place, but first time they said, this is it, and I have to find on my own, in the middle of Christmas holiday, when there is no free place at all around in whole Goa. I was upset because this shouldn't have been my problem. But I understand they might weren't aware of this fact about "Peace Garden". 3 days passed, I tried to find a place, but Mahi, my teacher found one before me. And brought me there. A lovely little house in a silent area. I was very very thankful for that. It reminded me to my weekend house. The walls meet the ground, there is shower, and a room, easy to keep clean. And I also had a little drawer for my small items. Heaven. As he also lived in that area we spoke every day outside of the studio so I had that feeling that I was taken care of. He also invited me to his favourite "restaurant", where we usually discussed many things about yoga. Sometimes he invited me for tea. :-)
So my accomodation sorted, let's see the training itself. Why was it special. Because I was on my own, Mahi could focus only on me, and as a yogi commited to yoga therapy, he was able to show me all type of amendment and correction of the postures. What to do if someone is stiff. How to spot that out. What to do if someone is too flexible. What to do in other cases. If I wasn't assisting, my pen was on fire when I took my notes. I think we worked effectively. In time he allowed me to start and finish the class. And when I finished my training he let me to use his studio when it wasn't occupied. So I could start my own yoga business there. Detox yoga - because of the timing. (Reson of the name: Who does yoga at 10:00 in Goa? Perhaps people with hangover, after previous night partying.) This was a great opportunity, and I'm thankful for that.
One day Mahi told me I will never be a yogi. But before I could have said anything he continued.
I can't be a yogi, because I could be a yogini. He liked these kind of jokes.
Anyway I think his knowledge of the postures is incredible and there is so much more to learn from him. I feel lucky that he was my yoga teacher.
But I can't tell the same of my philosophy teacher... sorry.
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