Two beautiful local women welcomed me with simle. Like twins, their outfit was exactly the same, I knew straight away, both of them will work on my muscles all around the body. Surprise surprise!
As they spoke only few words in english, I tried to initiate, so I took my top off, I made them emberrassed, so I asked, shell I take off my leggings too. The answer was yes. OK, I took it off. I was standing there in my bra and pants. Soo, what's next - I aked them only with my look in my eyes? They confirmed that I have to get rid of that, and also my pants. At that point, both of them giggled, cause I was soo not caring, I wouldn't even mind if I was seen by others. But in this culture, this is something very embearassing.
The massage started in a seating position, I closed my eyes and sinked into my relax-world. Then two soft palms adjusted my head to a cosy place – on someone's belly. At
this point I smiled secretly, within myself, thinking; „I’m in a different culture, far from
home, whatever it takes I’ll enjoy this massage”. So the two palms started to
massage my scalp. Nice, strong and professional movement, so I was in good
hands! I felt happy that it is going to last an hour long. She continued on my
neck, back and face. Awesome touch, massaging out all the stress I stocked up. Then I was kindly asked to jump on the bed. Hip height, no stairs,
so I just jumped just like in the swimming pool, out of the water. Giggling
again. Aren’t they sweet? It strenghtened the harmony between 3 of us. I was
lying on my back, totally naked. One of them stood at my head, worked on my
chest, the other started with my feet. I was soaking in massive quantity of oil. Then suddenly I have noticed a big sigh,
then 2 knees around my head. She climed on the bed, to reach more! My Mona Lisa smile appeared again on my face; „whatever it takes…” . then they stood on my both sides,
simmetrically, and put all their efforts to do their best, massaged all over my
legs, my arms, as they were only one person with 4 hands. They worked with
their heart I got 200% full attention. This is what i experienced hardly ever in my life.

(contd in the next post)
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