2013. október 31., csütörtök

Patrapinda Sveda massage

Moving on the next type of massage from the "menu" one grabbed my attention, it is called: Patrapinda Sveda. An  hour long hot oil therapy executed by 2 masseaurs. Price in India 800 INR. Just to compare with European prices, in Latvia the same would cost 57 EURs. The procedure stands for 2 parts: 30 minutes average back massage, 30 minutes hot oil massage with herb (Nirgudi) filled bags. I think the order makes sense as it takes time to heat the oil. To avoid the sudden heat-shock on the skin, the masseaur gently introduces it by touching the hot oil, then the skin, so the hot oil therapy can be executed with this bag. So at the end, the last 3 rounds are extremely hot, because the oil is constantly being heated. I went back to the same place for a simple back massage, but all my grave for massage is gone. :-)
Actually this oil thing has lots of benefits, and you can find more details here:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3296342/
Good for the muscles, releases the back, decreases the symptoms of stress.

I adore 2 things in India:
Back massage includes head, neck and bottom too.
30 minutes means 40 pleasure.

Oh before I forgot: while I was waiting for my appointment, something dragged my shirt - a white rat! I would expect more a cow rather than a rat in a closed beauty clinique in India. Haahha, but that was fun, this rat was so cute as the cats at home. It definitely made my day. :-)

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